Press and News
Press and News
Watch in video the apron manufactured by the SPHERE group
A Japanese solution to avoid plastic pollution in aquatic environments
SPHERE and its subsidiary J&M PLAST (Haute-Loire) testify on a Japanese government’s video spotlighting bio-compostable materials and products made by KANEKA and SPHERE....
Plastics and circular economy: challenges and solutions for products and consumption goods
On the 3rd of December, Jean-Marc Nony, Director of Sustainable Development of the SPHERE group, participated to a conference organised by FoodAlim (training and information for food professionals) to present plant-based alternatives to conventional plastics. More...
SPHERE at the launch party of the French Fab 2020
SPHERE at the launch party of the French Fab 2020 On November 18th, the French Fab’s 2020 international program was presented. Jean-Marc Nony, Director of Sustainable Development for the SPHERE group, was invited to the round table dedicated to innovations and...
BFOODING.BIO at Unilever Food Solutions’ Masterclass 2019
BFOODING.BIO, subsidiary of the SPHERE group, was invited by Unilever food solutions to a special Masterclass in Singapore to present the range of biodegradable tableware and takeaway packaging. About BFOODING.BIO:
John Persenda at Impact PME
The 5th of November, John Persenda, CEO of the SPHERE group, participated at the Impact PME event, the 1st event dedicated to SMEs, organised by BFM Business and Libération. As a former winner of the BFM Awards, he was invited to speak at a round table in order to...