SPHERE web series

SPHERE web series
Find our sidewalk interview in 10 episodes
In the one-year experiment of sorting and collecting food waste, SPHERE, ALFAPAC and Les Alchimistes present you his web series. This sidewalk interview was shot on June 23, 2021 near a voluntary urban compost point in the 13th arrondissement of Paris.
Sidewalk interview 1
The compost, what is this?
Converting food waste into compost is within everyone’s reach! Compost is the result of the degradation of food waste.
Sidewalk interview 2
In which raw material biobased compostable bags are made of?
Compostable bags are not conventional plastic bags, as they are made from biobased materials such as potato starch. If they follow current standards, they degrade naturally and are compostable under specific temperature and humidity conditions.
Sidewalk interview 3
How do you recognize that a bag is compostable?
The “OK COMPOST” certification identifies that a bag is compostable. In Europe, there are 2 biodegradability standards in composting conditions, NF EN 13432 industrial composting and NF T51-800 home composting.
Sidewalk interview 4
In your opinion, what is the part waste food in the trash?
The share of food waste represents 30% of the French trash (source OpinionWay survey, Feb 2020). In France, among the waste collected, bio-waste represents more than 20 million tonnes each year, 35 to 10 kg / inhabitant of food waste.
Sidewalk interview 5
What do you do with your food waste today?
Only 10% of the French population benefits a selective biowaste collection service. With the Waste Law for a Circular Economy (AGEC), has brought this deadline forward to 31 December 2023 and stipulates that all citizens must have a workable solution for sorting their organic waste at source.
Sidewalk interview 6
What motivated you to compost your food waste?
Sorting food waste can considerably reduce the amount of household waste in your trash. The compost obtained makes it possible to fertilize and enrich the soil.
Sidewalk interview 7
What might motivate you to compost your food waste?
The success of sorting food waste at source requires a collection offer close to the living areas. The compostable bag with a bio-bucket help the process of sorting food waste and limits nuisances such as odors, the development of insects, flow of juice…
Sidewalk interview 8
Do you know what will change in 2024 regarding the sorting of food waste?
The energy transition law for green growth (LTECV) provides for the generalization of source sorting of bio-waste by 2025. The law relating to the fight against waste and the circular economy (AGEC Law), transposing the Directive European n°2018/851 of May 30, 2018, brought forward this date to December 31, 2023 and provides that all citizens must have a practical solution for sorting their bio-waste at source. This is why the SPHERE group, its brand ALFAPAC and Les Alchimistes have set up a one-year experiment in practical and simple collection in Ile de France.
Sidewalk interview 9
What do you think of the deployment of this device in your neighborhood?
The new urban compost system, set up by SPHERE and Les Alchimistes, consists of equipping residents with compostable bags with an openwork bio-bucket and ensuring collection via a system of local voluntary drop-off points.
Sidewalk interview 10
What would you say to your neighbor to compost his food waste?
The success of the generalization of sorting at source is based on the involvement and mobilization of all and easy sorting and collection solutions. The experimentation of the SPHERE group and Les Alchimistes makes it possible to offer a practical, simple and effective solution by creating quality compost.